This is the amount you saved on your energy bill simply by allowing us to manage your charging sessions. This is the amount that makes you want (and need) to keep using Jedlix! Because we steer your charging sessions to cheaper times, your energy bill comes back much lighter.
If you have a single tariff, it is not possible to save on your energy bill (as we do not have a cheaper moment in your tariff to choose from). In this case, we recommend considering a variable tariff so you can start saving on your EV’s charging costs.
This is the amount that you can collect over time by using our Smart Charging services: Jedix may compensate you for your help in balancing the grid! Once you collected more than € 5 (50 NOK, £5, 5 CHF), you will be able to transfer these directly to your bank account!
Please keep in mind that not everyone is eligible to receive earnings. To see if you are eligible to receive earnings, take a look at our FAQ page “When can I earn and save with the Jedlix App?”
The benefits are, in essence, a combination of your savings and earnings into one single value. This shows you how much you benefit from using our app, but does not mean that this is a deductible value.
If your car does not support managed charging, this means we cannot optimize your charging sessions according to your energy tariffs. In this case, it is currently not possible to receive financial benefits.